Project 7: Scream Yo Opinion

By the way, you guys are doing great work, I’m impressed…

The new Project:

First of all, pick an issue.  What do you feel passionately about?  What makes you mad?  Here is a list of controversial issues, what side do you stand on?  For my issue, I chose health care.  I feel that it is way to expensive and that everyone deserves medical help if they are sick.

Your challenge is, how do you convey your message without using words? I want you use symbols.  Symbols are all around us, and we understand what they mean.  Do you understand the messages of the symbols below?

1. Find a photo of a person who is screaming and erase the background.  I found this girl.

2. Delete the background, and put your screamer in a document where the dimentions add up to about 10 inches, you pick the shape.

3.  Find the symbols to convey your opinion, and arrange them so they seem to be coming out of your screamers mouth.  I chose medical symbols and dollar signs.  You have to be creative in this part, but make your message clear.

4.  Stylize your design in two other ways, and make a Snapshot of each version by right-clicking on the corresponding layer and selecting “New Snapshot.”  You are becoming more familiar with Photoshop, so you decide how to change the image, make it look cool!  Suggestions are: Desaturate, Posterize and change colors; Invert; Threshold; Hue/Saturation; and any of the Filters.

5. History Brush! Chose one of your snapshots to use as your base, and with the history brush draw lines to accent your piece.  Think Scream lines.  Remember, if your not happy with how your lines turn out, you can always click CTRL Z (undo).

6.  Create your own brush with a symbol that has to do with your cause.  Delete the background before you select the image to make it a brush.  You might have to resize it.  I chose a stethoscope.  Use your new brush as a history brush as a part of your design.

10.  Post it to your blog under Project 7 and write a little something about the experience of creating it.

Examples from the past

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